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    Angkringan Adventure: A Foodie's Guide to Bandung's Night Markets

    de Blankon. Photo by foodnotebdg

    Bandung: The Unexpected Angkringan Haven

    I’ve always been a big fan of Jogja’s street food scene, especially the humble angkringan. These small, often makeshift food stalls offer a taste of authentic Javanese cuisine at incredibly affordable prices. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Bandung, another city in Indonesia, also has its own thriving angkringan culture!

    For those who are unfamiliar, angkringan is a Javanese term that refers to a type of food stall where customers can choose from a variety of small dishes, typically served with rice or on skewers. While it's most closely associated with Yogyakarta, angkringan has become a popular food option throughout Indonesia, and Bandung is no exception.

    I was curious to see how Bandung's angkringan scene compared to Jogja's, so I set out to explore some of the city's most popular spots. And I wasn't disappointed. From bustling street corners to cozy cafes, Bandung offers a diverse range of angkringan experiences.

    Here are a few of my favorite angkringan spots in Bandung:

    • Angkringan 5758: This place is a local favorite, known for its super spicy oseng mercon.
    • Angkringan Braga: Located near the historic Braga Street, this angkringan is a great spot to people-watch while enjoying a delicious meal.
    • Angkringan Cisitu: For those who prefer a more laid-back atmosphere, Angkringan Cisitu offers a peaceful setting and a variety of menu options, including instant noodles and fried rice.
    • Angkringan Dago Coffee: This angkringan offers a modern twist on traditional Javanese cuisine, with a menu that includes coffee and other beverages.
    • Angkringan de Blankon: For those seeking stunning views, Angkringan de Blankon offers panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains.

    While I still have a soft spot for the traditional angkringan experience in Jogja, Bandung has certainly won me over with its unique take on this beloved street food. Whether you're craving a quick and affordable meal or looking for a taste of authentic Javanese culture, Bandung's angkringan scene has something to offer everyone.

    Have you ever tried angkringan? What's your favorite dish? Let me know in the comments below!

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