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    Ngangkring Artfest: Where Tradition Meets Trend in Yogyakarta

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    – In the heart of Java, where tradition meets modernity, a unique festival has captured the hearts of locals and tourists alike. The Ngangkring Artfest 2024, held from September 20-22 at the Jogja Expo Center, celebrated the beloved Indonesian street food, angkringan, while showcasing the city's vibrant arts scene and fostering a strong sense of community.

    This year's festival featured a whopping 100 angkringan stalls, double the number from the previous year, each offering a unique twist on the classic street food. From traditional nasi kucing to modern fusion dishes, there was something to satisfy every palate. But Ngangkring Artfest was more than just a food festival. It was a celebration of Yogyakarta's rich culture, a platform for local artisans, and a showcase of the city's thriving creative scene.

    Beyond the delectable food, the festival offered a variety of entertainment, including live music performances, art exhibitions, and cultural demonstrations. Visitors could enjoy traditional Javanese dances, watch breakdance battles, or simply relax and soak up the festive atmosphere.

    One of the highlights of the festival was the Ciak Sega Kucing competition, where participants raced to finish their bowls of nasi kucing. The event was a fun and lighthearted way to celebrate this iconic Indonesian dish.

    Ong Hari Wahyu, the founder of Ngangkring Artfest, emphasized the festival's role in empowering local businesses. "This event is not just about food," he said. "It's about creating a platform for small businesses to thrive and for our community to come together."

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